20 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par jeaneg Publié dans #Humeurs
Il y a quelques jours, en découvrant le blog de Marta, j'ai eu envie de faire un article. Et comme je le fais souvent, j'ai écrit un petit mot à l'intéressée pour en savoir plus..
Ainsi, très gentiment Marta Purriños a pris le temps de me répondre, en anglais, même si cela n'est pas sa langue.
As i said, i write a blog, in french, dedicated to women with short hair. Not only about haircut, but i want to talk about these women who are with a strong mind, who dare to be without mask or artifice.
So, you are a nice exemple with your buzzcut and i would like to interrogated you about the beginning, how you decided to cut your hair and why?How your relatives reacted this day and after?
At last, do you think to cut your hair like that to a long time ( i have to say that you are absolutely gorgeous and this haircut seems to be really your brand )
The first, thanks so much for your amazing words, People like you make me feel so great, you give me strength to carry on day to day.
I have been always a radical girl, I like feel the adreline inside my veins, and my hair couldn’t to be different.
I cut my hair when I was young (yes, more than now :)) and these time of my life I had many problems, honestly think in this life all the things around you aren’t good for yourself, you know? I chose put my hair because it gives me force and security.
For me, my no hair represents who I am, It makes me feel alive, feminine and sexy, I like feel me different, it isn’t something aesthetic, is part of me.
You said me that some pictures I saw it of myself it wasn’t perfect the cut of my hair, and yes, I have to say you that I cut myself my hair, it’s no easy, but it is more confortable, I often cut my hair five time on the week.
For the last, like you said, my crewcut is my brand, I don’t think in leaving grow up my hair, it’s a stupid crazy J
L'anglais est un peu approximatif, les réponses ne sont pas tellement en accord avec les questions, mais qu'importe, c'est toujours sympa d'échanger...
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